Sunday, February 26, 2017

"Do you need any help? I don't want you to hurt yourself"

Oh yeah... 
I'll try my hardest not to turn this into a rant man. 
While others might say that the only woman in the weight room is a Lone Ranger; I think she's the strongest one in the room[besides the fact that she's not apart of the 1000lbs club like some of the other men]. I do believe that the weight room at Troy High is one of the most gendered places in my every day student environment. 
I'm a student athlete in the spring; I run track for our team at school, [go colts right?] so I spend time in the weight room quite frequently, or after tutoring I just might go visit some of the guys in there just to say hello. 
Don't get me wrong, this isn't one of those "ohmygod girls are never in there" type thing, they are, just not at the same time boys are, or if they are, there is only a few of them, and the rest of them are either too intimidated, or scared to go in. 
And I get it.
All the sweaty jocks bench pressing and squatting more than both of the 100lb females that are stuck in the door way, is pretty scary at times. Or that they're all grunting and wheezing and cheering each other on, and you don't want to be the odd one out at the squat bar, just squatting the 45-pound bar. 
We all have to start somewhere. 
Like I didn't just put all 200lbs on my bar at the start. 
I would've died.
The weight room is pretty male-dominated, but I love the fact that girls go in there too. In the weight room we all share a common goal, and that's building our strength. Whether it be squatting, benching, curling, or just running on the treadmill, we leave after each session stronger than we were before we came in. Male or female, the weight room should be a place where the fear or intimidation of being a girl shouldn't matter.
 Gon' in there and build those muscles!

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